The AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund provides funding and a support system to women challenging sex discrimination in higher education.  Since 1981 LAF has helped students, faculty, and administrators fight discrimination on campus involving sexual harassment, denial of tenure or promotion, pay inequity, and aid for women’s athletic programs. 
      In addition to supplying plaintiff support, LAF also provides campus outreach programs and a support network, and presents to deserving colleges and universities the Progress in Equity Award.  In addition to the Case Support Program, LAF has a Network that provides experienced lawyers and social scientists who serve as volunteer consultants or may be contracted to represent individuals.   Another program is the Campus Outreach Program aimed at educating campus communities about the problem of sex discrimination, presenting strategies to prevent and resolve issues when they occur, and informing about the services LAF provides to women who challenge it.  The Progress in Equity Award Program recognizes college and university programs that have demonstrated significant progress toward equity for women on campus and in the community.   For more information about this valuable program, go to AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund.

Yes, I want to support the Legal Advocacy Fund.

Name: __________________________________________

Address:    _______________________________________


Telephone: _______________ E-mail address:_____________________

My donation of $_____________ to the AAUW LAF is enclosed.

Please credit the ____________________________________________ Branch of the AAUW,

and notify Branch LAF Chair___________________________________________ of my gift.

     Gifts to the Legal Advocacy Fund (LAF) are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law.  Please make checks payable to AAUW LAF and write your branch name on the memo line on the check.  Thank you for your pledge of support.  Please print this form and mail it with your check to NYS LAF Vice President:

AAUW LAF                                     Mildred DeWitt
Planetarium Station               
PO Box 390                                      516 318 1313
NYC 10024-0390

     You may make your donation in honor/memory of someone.   If you care to do so, please fill out one of the following forms and send it with your donation form.

For a Person to be honored, use the following form:

Name of honoree: ___________________________________________________

Address of honoree:_________________________________________________


For a Person to be memorialized, use the following form:

Name of person to be memorialized:____________________________________

Name of family to be notified:__________________________________________

Address of family to be notified:_________________________________________
